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Novus Kitchen and Bathroom, identified with Nit No. 900820033 from now on “Novus Kitchen and Bath”, makes the terms and conditions of its website available to the community (https://novuskitchenandbath.com/) , which we may also refer to as “the website” or “the website”.

Our website is intended to provide our customers, suppliers and the community in general (who from now on will be understood as the user) information related to the services we provide. In no case should said information be considered exhaustive, complete or that in any way satisfies all the needs of the user.

Acceptance of terms:
When a user accesses our website (https://novuskitchenandbath.com/), it is presumed that they do so under their responsibility and, therefore, fully accept the content of the terms and conditions thereof. At novuskitchenandbath.com, we reserve the right to update and modify at any time and in any way, unilaterally and without prior notice, these terms and conditions of use of the website.

At novuskitchenandbath.com, we will use our best efforts to avoid failures on our website; however, we do not guarantee the absence of errors in accessing the Web, in its content or in updating it.

Links, links or hyperlinks:
Some links on our website may lead to third party content; The purpose of these links is only to facilitate the search for resources that can help in navigation and in some cases, present commercial partners their products or similar activities. Despite the foregoing, said pages do not belong to us and it does not imply the existence of relationships with the owners of said sites or web pages; nor does it imply the acceptance or approval of its contents or services. Consequently, we do not review the content of those sites and therefore, we do not assume any responsibility for the content, information or services that may appear on those sites.
When a page calls or uses links that lead to novuskitchenandbath.com, they must understand and accept the following:

  • Using links that lead to com is not equivalent to an agreement, contract or similar link that allows the real estate to be related to the page that makes the link.
  • The web page (s) that establish links to com, must not have contents that are illegal, discriminatory, contrary to commonly accepted ethical principles, that affect public order or that violate the rights of third parties; Likewise, they must refrain from making false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications about novuskitchenandbath.com or any of its other forms of identification.
  •  At any time, we can request the removal of the links that redirect to our website.
  • We are not responsible for the content of third-party pages, nor for the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness or morality of content or services.
  • The use of our brands, names, logos, slogan or other distinctive signs may not be used, except those that are part of the hyperlink.

Intellectual property:
The elements that make up the website, (structure, code, logos, trademarks, distinctive signs, graphic elements, etc.), are owned by us and are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights.
The making of copies or total or partial replicas of any element that makes up our page, as well as its reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation is prohibited. However, we allow downloading of material from our website and its subdomains for personal, informative and non-commercial use, as long as there is express mention of the property at the head of novuskitchenandbath.com. In the event of misuse by users, novuskitchenandbath.com is not responsible.

Use of personal data:
The information that we may collect through the virtual forms on our website will be treated in accordance with the prior and express authorization that the owner has given us.
The user acknowledges that the entry of personal information is done voluntarily and in view of the need to make any request or query. The user also understands that their personal information may be part of a file and / or database according to the origin of the delivery and the purposes of its use. The personal data that may be collected through the page will consist mainly of personal identification and contact data, such as; name, email, address and telephone number.
Users may exercise their rights to know, update, rectify, delete and revoke through the channels defined in the Personal Data Protection Policy, which is always visible on our Privacy Policy page.

Use of Cookies:
The novuskitchenandbath.com page and its domains use Cookies for the correct functioning and to facilitate the visualization of the website by the user, as well as the collection of statistics. The specific use of Cookies may be known through the Cookies Policy.